Buffer strength your blood

Buffer strength your blood to prevent heart, kidney, bone, etc. ailments

By Preciosa S. Soliven
(The Philippine Star) |
Updated May 16, 2013 - 12:00am
(Part II – How major science discovery saved Engr. Freires in Saudi Arabia)

In Part I, I described how Engr. Harry Freires made a scientific discovery in water that saved his life in Saudi Arabia while providing 6,000 cubic meters of drinkingwater daily, providing the wellness level of pH 7.4 of the blood for the local Arabs. He called the element “SOBBA”.

In the past years many have complained of “acid reflux” causing stomach epigastric pain. At the entrance to your stomach is a valve, which is a ring of musclescalled the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, the LES closes as soon as food passes through it. If the LES doesn’t close all the way or if it opens toooften, acid produced by your stomach can move up into your esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn. Acid reflux symptoms that happen more than twice a week leads to acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The most common risk factors and symptoms for acid reflux

One common cause of acid GERD is a stomach abnormality called hiatal hernia. This occurs when the upper part of the stomach and LES move above thediaphragm, a muscle that separates your stomach from your chest. Normally, the diaphragm helps keep acid in our stomach. But if you have a hiatal hernia, acidcan move up into your esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux disease.

The most common risk factors for acid reflux are:
1.) Eating large meals or lying down after a meal;
2.) Being overweight or obese;
3.) Snacking close to bedtime;
4.) Eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods; 
5.) Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol carbonated
drinks, coffee or tea;
6.) Smoking;
7.) Being pregnant;
8.) Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxants or blood pressure medications.

The common symptoms of acid reflux include:
1.) Heartburn: a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen, chest or even up
into your throat;
2.) Regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth;
3.) Bloating;
4.) Bloody or black stool or bloody vomiting;
6.) Dysphagia: a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat;
7.) Hiccups that don’t let up;
8.) Nausea;
9.) Weight loss for no known reason;
10) Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat.

Immunity against disease through drinking water’s bicarbonate buffered alkalinity

7.4 pH is the measurement of acidity and alkalinity of the blood. This strengthens one’s immunity, the body’s resistance against diseases. “Buffer is the balanceresisting pH-change of the blood. Bicarbonate buffering alkalinity maintains the high buffer strength at 7.4 pH of the blood. It is a substance composed of Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen (HCO3), the basic building blocks of life in the universe. What is the product in the market that specifically targets this healthy blood pH of 7.4 and clearly defines the concept of immunity against diseases? It’s SOBBA (Sterilized Oxygenated Bicarbonate-Buffered Alkalinity). Wellness is 7.4 pH of the blood, further health-fixed by the buffering of the blood due to the Bicarbonate alkalinity in the water we drink.

Engr. Freires claims, if a bit exaggerated, “If our blood pH is healthy at 7.4 due to the high buffer strength of its bicarbonate alkalinity, and remaining unchanged amid acid attacks, we become ‘immortal’… We might not die. If this value changes thru the weakening of the blood’s buffer strength, either by massive acidosis (common) or alkalosis (rare), we will easily get weak, sick, rapidly grow old and die. With a blood pH less than and greater than 7.4, the vital acid-base balance in the body is a contaminated blood.”

According to Dr. Busuego, assistant secretary of the Department of Health and hospital doctor in Davao Regional Hospital, “The fastest way to kill a person is thru a contaminated blood.” Tissue membranes of our organs (kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, etc.) are damaged if exposed to an environment of the blood at pH lessthan 7.4.

Optimizing health

Research continues to evaluate and clarify the role that diet and nutrition play in the promotion and development of health. The nutritional recommendations for prevention of many diseases are similar. Nutrition plays an important role in affecting and even altering the course of these conditions.

OBESITY – Engr. Freires states, “Obesity results in high excess amino acids… Continuous drinking of SOBBA water will help you bring back your body to its normal size.” If obesity were merely a matter of aesthetics, it would be of less concern. But obesity is a health issue. It is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, lipid, abnormalities, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers (such as blood, breast, colon, and gallbladder in women and colon and prostate in men), stroke, degenerative arthritis, respiratory problems, sleep disturbances, and gallbladder disease. The likelihood of dying early progressively increase the more overweight you are. Simply eating too much and not being active enough are the causes of most overweight problems. The cause of overweight and obesity is a chronic imbalance of calories ingested and calories burned. “Overweight” and “obesity” are terms that often are used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. “Overweight” refers to having excess body weight compared with the norm for a person’s
height but the term does not account for what tissue is making up the weight. For example, athletes are often overweight according to weight for height tables, because they have increased muscle mass. However, for most people, overweight means having too much fat. “Obesity” refers to body fat in excess of what is healthy for an individual.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – according to Engr. Freires, “it is due to thickening of the blood and fatty deposits (amino acids). Drinking plenty of water with SOBBA neutralizes excess amino acids.”

Sometimes called the “silent killer”, high blood pressure is a disease that can go undetected for years. The higher the blood pressure or the longer it goes undiagnosed, the worse the outlook. Incidence of coronary artery disease and stroke have significantly decreased, partially as a result of progress in the detection, treatment, and control of high blood pressure. There are risk factors that indicate a predisposition for the development of high blood pressure. Among these risk factors are the following:

a.) Family history – a family history of high blood pressure is a risk for hypertension;
b.) Age – high blood pressure becomes more
common among all people as they grow older;
c.) Sex – Although men and women are typically equally affected, women who use birth control pills and smokecigarettes are more at risk;
d.) Race – as an example, high blood pressure is more common among blacks than whites.

When high blood pressure occurs, it means that the force of blood in the arteries is excessive and many health complications can occur. Among them are:

 a.) Heart – high blood precious forces the heart to work harder than it should to pump blood to distant tissues and organs;

b.)Arteries – High blood pressure can also accelerate the development of plaque within the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis;

c.) Brain – high blood pressure increases the risk of having stroke, which occurs when a blood vessel within the brain either it ruptures or is blocked;

d.) Kidneys – the kidneys filter waste products from the blood and maintain proper blood minerals and blood volume. When these functions are impaired or compromised, so is their role in helping to maintain blood pressure;

e.) Eyes – high blood pressure often causes problems with the eyes. Examination of the retina can reveal narrowing of the arteries, small hemorrhages, and accumulations of protein and have leaked from affected blood vessel (exudates).

High blood pressure can be treated by the following
a.) Lose weight – if you are overweight, losing weight is the most effective non-drug method for lowering blood pressure. A weight loss of as little as 10 pounds can significantly reduce blood pressure in many overweight people with high blood pressure;

b.) Exercise – when compared with more active and fit peers, sedentary individuals with normal blood pressure have a 20 to 50 percent increased risk for development of high blood pressure. Regular aerobic exercise such as walking or biking for 30 to 45 minutes most days of the week is a very effective means of lowering the blood pressure;

c.) Limit alcohol – Excessive alcohol intake is a risk factor for high blood pressure and stroke. Men who drink should limit their intake to no more than 2 drinks a day, and women should have no more than one drink daily;

d.) Do not smoke – smoking a cigarette temporarily increase blood pressure for up to 30 minutes; e.)Limit or avoid high sodium food – a high intake of sodium in the diet increases blood pressure in some people.

Healthy water, an essential nutrient often overlooked

SOBBA is an excellent acid fighter and helps maintain the healthy blood pH of 7.4 by maintaining the blood’s buffer strength (BS) if not increasing it. The drinking water as well as the body becomes more alkaline and most resistant to acid attacks. SOBBA is not an insulator. It makes the body fluids maintain its electrolytic character enhancing its cellular communication which is the foundation of the body’s self-healing capabilities. Treated by high-energy oxygen and contains elevated amount of oxygen needed for prevention of serious diseases.

One American doctor said that there is no disease that water cannot heal, as long as its water chemistry is right and of superior quality. Drinking water with SOBBA conforms to the WHO standards for drinking water. In the world of science, water is referred to as the universal solvent. Drinking enough water is critical for many different body processes, and thus is vital for good health.
(Reference: Encyclopedia of Foods A Guide to a Healthy Nutrition from Mayo Clinic, University of California Los Angeles.)

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